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It's pretty cool!

Alas, I failed in my quest, dying to a guy in a room full of snakes right after discovering that I can shoot the yellow thing with shift.

At least I think I died, because I had more health that the screen could fit and the game just said "game over". But the guy's name was different that the evil wizard's mentioned in the starting city. Well, guess I'll never know.

Would play again, but with the movement being abysmally slow paired with the required amount of backtracking is a tad off-putting. 

Nonetheless a decent game, I enjoyed it!

(1 edit)

Ha, thanks for playing - just going to check the end boss's name...

I would imagine the repeating music was hell as well :P. Yeah that yellow thing is just a terrible fireball.


This is the best game I have ever played. I am your #1 fan